Saturday, July 09, 2005

Snaposhot of my life today.

What's on the iPod?: Led Zepplin

Where am I?: right here

Thoughts of the day:
1. 1970's glitter T-shirts
2. Is paper money the size of a wallet, or is it the other way around?
3. Sometimes I daydream when I have a boring customer.
4. If I play my iPod on my radio and then record that and save it as an mp3, then play that mp3 back on my iPod, will my head explode?
5. Cold pizza.
6. Nicole Kidman is still at the top of my "list".
7. Al qaeda sucks.
8. I think I'll bring back the mullet.
9. I think everyone should retake the driver's test every 5 years.
10. What happens if you Google-Google?

Useless news story: I heard on the radio about a study of the effects of diet soda. See it here. This is certainly another pointless study and definitely a useless news story.

Ouside: Nice and sunny

What I've eaten so far today: Pop-tarts, coffee, diet Coke.

Something funny I saw today: A guy wearing a shirt that had prison numbers on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your post didn't get emailed to me. I just saw it.
No, I was actually refering to the fact that there was no clear answers in this story. I heard it on the radio and the conclusion was, "I guess it depends on what you eat with the diet soda that determines weight gain or not." Duh!! Useless. :)