Tuesday, August 23, 2005

click! another snapshot.

What's on the iPod?: Rush (all day)

Where am I?: Livingroom couch

Thoughts of the day:
1. Food on a stick
2. I think nurseries are in cahoots with developers to sell more trees?
3. I want to host my own Seinfeld type Podcast about nothing.
4. I seriously thought about unrolling a roll of toilet paper and rerolling it backwards.
5. Is a Bi-plane just confused?
6. I now have over 60GB of music.
7. I now have over 700GB of storage space.
8. My neighbors dog barking sucks.
9. I'm going to look a total stranger in the eyes and tell them I am their long lost brother.
10. Go Browns!

Useless news story: Key prediction of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity has been confirmed by an experiment showing that the Earth's rotation drags the surrounding fabric of space-time along with it.
The phenomenon, known as frame-dragging, was one of the last untested predictions of general relativity. A NASA satellite, Gravity Probe B, was launched earlier this year to test the same effect. "Frame-dragging is like what happens if a bowling ball spins in a thick fluid, such as molasses," said Errico C. Pavlis of the Joint Center for Earth System Technology, a leader of the international research team that measured the effect.

That was the whole story.

Ouside: Nice and sunny, 77°

What I've eaten so far today: Golden Grahams, coffee, spicy chicken, fries, Coke, 3 Musketeers, spaghetti, water.

Something funny I saw today: Someone emailed me a picture of food on a stick.

Food on a stick.

Food on a stick is one of my favorite food groups, even when the food isn't mine. Thanks to BL for butting in and asking a complete stranger for a photo of their food and then emailing it to me.

THIS is what technology is for!


Saturday, August 20, 2005

20 yr. reunion

Wow!! I had my 20 year class reunion. This is a photo of Tom and John and myself (l to r) after the party. What a night. These guys, along with Nick, Keith, Mike and a few others were inseperable. I haven't seen them since high school. Some things never change, and in this case that's a good thing.

We saw many friends and had a great time. Hope to keep in touch with them.

More later.